Service - HEROES

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Everyday heroes don't wear medals.

(Fred Ammon (* 1930), dt. Aphoristiker)

1. Heroes

Humans can also be great
be in everyday life.

(Sophie Verena, 1826-1892)

Every time has thousands of heroes
whom no history book mentions.

(Otto Weiß, 1849-1915)

Be a hero, for a minute, for an hour,
that's easier
than carry on everyday life in quiet heroism.

(Fjodor M. Dostojewski, 1821-1881)

Don't throw away the hero in your soul!

(Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844-1900)

So you rightly admire them [the heroes]
but precisely because you admire them,
you will not emulate them.

(Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, 1729-1781)

The hero has a face,
the coward two.

(Aus dem Kaukasus)

It's easy to be determined
you can find comrades,
first on your own,
the hero appears.

(Jüdisches Sprichwort)

It's much harder for a week
to be a good person
than a hero for a quarter of an hour.

(Jules Renard, 1864-1910)

Heroes are people too.
It's easy to forget that.

(Marion Gitzel, *1947)

Don't look for heroes,
be one yourself!


Any fool is capable
to become a hero at any moment.
But the real big man
is still great in everyday life.

(Swami Vivekananda, (1863-1902), hinduistischer
Mönch, Gründer der Ramakrishna-Mission)

2. Ethos

Charity, kindness, fraternal
Compassion for the sufferer
is often much more necessary for this.
than all medicines.

(Fjodor M. Dostojewski, 1821-1881)

Act in such a way that the maxim of your will
at any time at the same time as a principle
a general legislation may apply.

(Immanuel Kant, Kategorischen Imperativ, 1785)

My brothers, to charity
I don't advise you:
I advise you to love the furthest thing.

(Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844-1900)

The state is a community
equal citizen for the purpose of
to enable the best lifestyle.

(Aristoteles, 384-322 v. Chr.)

High School of Charity:
Standing up for someone,
that you can't stand.

(Rupert Schützbach, *1933,
deutscher Zollbeamter i.R. und Schriftsteller)

Tolerance is
the charity of the intelligentsia.

(Jules Lemaître, 1853-1914, franz. Schriftsteller)

But what is important is that community
that comes from mutual give and take
of good deeds.

(Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 v. Chr.)

Treat your fellow human beings
in everything like that,
how you want to be treated by them.
That's it,
what the law and the prophets demand.

(Jesus v. Nazareth,
Die Goldene Regel, Mt 7,12)

3. Religion

Who needs what?
The neighbor is our charity;
or God our love of God?

(Walter Ludin (*1945), Schweizer Journalist)

Every communion with God
leads to the next one.

(Frère Roger, 1915-2005, Gründer
und Prior der ökumenischen "Communauté de Taizé")

In human community
is the best goodness. -
If someone is looking for a home,
does not choose his place among the good,
Can you call him clever?

(Konfuzius, 551-479 v. Chr.)

No one can always be a hero,
but he can always be human.

(Jüdisches Sprichwort)

Whoever defeats himself,
he's a bigger hero,
than who on the battlefield
a thousand times a thousand enemies overcome.

(Buddha, 560-480 v.Chr.)

Amen, I say to you,
Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.

(Jesus v. Nazareth, Mt 25,40)

No one can always be a hero,
but they can always be human.

(Jüdisches Sprichwort)

In human community
is the best goodness. -
If someone who seeks a home does not choose his place among the good, can he be called wise?

(Konfuzius, 551-479 v. Chr.)

Every communion with God
leads to the next one.

(Frère Roger, 1915-2005, Gründer
und Prior der ökumenischen "Communauté de Taizé")

Who needs what?
The neighbor is our charity;
or God our love of God?

(Walter Ludin (*1945), Schweizer Journalist)

Amen, I say to you:
What you are to one of the least of my brothers
what you have done, you have done this to me.

(Jesus v. Nazareth, Mt 25,40)

And if someone keeps someone alive
should it be as if he
would have kept everyone alive.

(Prophet Mohammed, Koran 5:32)

When we are strong in charity
and act accordingly:
This is the path to perfection.

(Mengzi, um 370-290 v.Chr.,
konfuzianischer Philosoph )

Active charity
is the most beautiful prayer.

(Fritz P. Rinnhofer, *1939)

Active charity
is the most beautiful prayer.

(Fritz P. Rinnhofer, *1939)

He who defeats himself,
he's a bigger hero,
than who on the battlefield
a thousand times a thousand enemies overcome.

(Buddha, 560-480 v.Chr.)

If we are strong in charity
and act accordingly:
This is the path to perfection.

(Mengzi, um 370-290 v.Chr.,
konfuzianischer Philosoph )

And if someone keeps someone alive
it should be as if he
kept everyone alive.

(Prophet Mohammed, Koran 5:32)
