Lust for life and |
translated by Google Translator |
Relax, let go of the wheel, (George Eliot) |
1. Adventure |
Wanting to enjoy all pleasures in every way is unreasonable. (Plutarch) |
Angels can fly (Gilbert KeithChesterton) |
There is hardly a person who doesn't think about flying from time to time. (OttoLilienthal) |
Don't stay on level ground, (Friedrich Nietzsche) |
The greatest sight (Kurt Tucholsky) |
The world is a book. (Augustinus) |
There are more important things in life than just speeding up your PACE. (Mahatma Gandhi) |
A thorn of EXPERIENCE (James Russel Lowell) |
Too much trust is often (Johann NepumukNestroy) |
Whoever does not (Fernöstliche Weisheit) |
Being good (Gilbert Keith Chesterton) |
Marriage (Voltaire) |
2. Lust for life |
A new day (unbekannt) |
Those who have faith (Epikur) |
Life (Christian Friedrich Hebbel) |
You shouldn't say (Jean Paul) |
There is something in EVERYTHING that is WORTH CONSIDERATION. (Ssu-Che) |
Pleasant is (Aristoteles) |
Learn to be GRATEFUL, (Otto von Bismark) |
Some people swim in ABUNDANCE, (Johann Martin Miller) |
WISE is the person who DOES NOT mourn the things he does NOT have, but rather ENJOYS THE things he HAS. Epiktet) |
And suddenly you know: (Meister Eckhart) |
The SILENCE is not (Ramakrishna) |
3. Trust in God |
Self-trust is (Bettina von Arnim) |
The SILENCE knows; everything. (Marie Noel) |
Faith is (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) |
Don't fear the SHADOWS. (Ruth E.Renkel) |
Only between (Friedrich von Schiller) |
Deep in people lies the trust that something outside them is aware of them. (Arthur Schopenhauer) |
2. Lust for life |
You didn't see (Hindu-Weisheit) |
3. Trust in God |
Trust is an oasis of the heart (Khalil Gibran) |
Trust your dreams, (Khalil Gibran) |
Love (Ernst Bloch) |
Into your hands I place my spirit with full confidence. (Psalm 31,6) |
Father, (Lk 23,46 - nach Elberfelder Bibel) |
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