Life |
translated by Google Translator |
1. Life Value |
The greatest adventure in life, (König der Löwen, Walt-Disney-Kinofilm) |
T I M E (12 BUCHSTABEN auf Kirchturms-Uhr) |
CARVET the life (Alt-Russische-Weisheit) |
3. Life eternity |
The past -- like the future (Christian Morgenstern) |
The world of MATTER, (Khalil Gibran, Ideen, 21) |
And BECAUSE they didn't die, (Märchen verzaubern jung und alt, |
4. Life-giving Spirit |
Only blasé* fools can doubt the existence of GOD. (Werner v.Siemens) |
It will ONLY be a real SUN day (Prälat Erich Läufer, Leverkusen) |
2. Life-conscious being |
The big SECRET: (RBB) |
We would stand in front of the Glowworm (Khalil Gibran, Sand, 42) |
BEAUTY is a SECRET (Khalil Gibran, Flügel, 24) |
Grip the bird's wings in GOLD (Rabindranath Tagore, "Verirrte Vögel", 67) |
3. Life eternity |
It has to be give a better BEYOND, (? mir unbekannt) |
4. Life-giving Spirit |
God is -- (Pfarrerin ? aus Lüdenscheid, |
GOD (Karl Rahner) |