The TEACHING profession |
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The youth these days loves luxury. (Sokrates, 469 - 399 v.Chr) |
1. Prejudice (?) |
If a person continues to talk even when no one is listening to him anymore, (unbekannt) |
Famous last words of a chemistry teacher: (unbekannt) |
Teachers are allowed in the morning (unbekannt) |
3.Stress |
The doctor and the teacher are required to (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, 1830-1916) |
Which donkey in any stamping mill (Philipp Melanchthon, 1497 - 1560) |
2. Ambiguity |
A boy only likes to learn from teachers he loves. (Friedrich Rückert) |
The authority of the teacher (Cicero, 106 - 43 v. Chr.) |
The teacher's voice (Andreas Tenzer) |
No teacher's life is an indifferent one; (Jeremias Gotthelf, 1797-1854) |
3.Stress |
Educators are tired sometimes. (Walter Fürst) |
The teacher (Adolph Diesterweg, 1790-1866) |
4. Value of the teaching profession |
If I had not become emperor, (Dom Pedro II., 1825-1891, brasilianischer Kaiser) |
There is no position I like so much, (Martin Luther, 1483-1546) |
5. Method(s) |
Only he is a born teacher (Ernst Hähnel, 1811-1891) |
4. Value of the teaching profession |
He who taught his students the ABC, (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1646 - 1716) |
5. Method(s) |
Teaching should be such that what is presented is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a sour duty. (Albert Einstein) |
A good teacher is a good teacher, (Albert Einstein) |
One should never forget that society (Adolph Freiherr von Knigge) |
Children don't want to be taught, (Werner Bergengruen) |
He is the best teacher, (George Orwell, 1903-1950) |
Every teacher must learn to (Bertolt Brecht) |
Whoever dries the children's tears at school (Georg Skrypzak) |
What the strictest educator often fails to achieve, (unbekannt) |
Education is (Friedrich Fröbel, Pestalozzi-Schüler, 1782-1852) |
6. The teaching person |
The success of every lesson (Karl Salomo Zachariae, 1769-1843) |
5. Method(s) |
The right teacher teaches THINKING, (Ulrich Erckenbrecht) |
The path is long through teaching, (Seneca, ca. 1-65 n.Chr.) |
Treating people as they are (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832) |
Promote OR demand ? (Maria Montessori, 1870-1952) |
The sum total of all teacher virtues (Johann Michael Sailer, 1751-1832) |
What you have to learn in order to do it, (Aristoteles) |
Teachers will open the gate for you. (Hakuin Zenji, 1686-1769), japanischer Reformator des Zen) |
If you give a man a fish, (Dschuang Dsi, 350-ca. 275 v.Chr., |
6. The teaching person |
Knowledge is the first, (Adolph Diesterweg (1790 - 1866) |
It is not his best knowledge, (Otto Sutermeister, 1832-1901) |
Knowledge of the soul (Friedrich Polack, 1835-1915) |
A main feature of all pedagogy: (Christian Morgenstern, 1871 - 1914) |
A teacher without joy (Friedrich Polack, 1835 - 1915) |
7. Teaching and religion |
Look, great; is God in his power. (Bibel, AT, Buch Hiob, 36,22) |
But you should not let yourself be called Rabbi; (Bibel, NT, Matthäus 23,8) |
6. The teaching person |
Good friends and excellent teachers - (Ryokan Daigu, 1758 ? 1831 |
A bad teacher (Andreas Rahmatian) |
It's nice when a teacher has a sense of humor. (Otto Ernst, 1862 - 1926) |
7. Teaching and religion |
Honor everyone as a teacher (jüdischer Talmud) |
The teacher's life is a lamp. (Friedrich Heinrich Christian Schwarz, 1766 - 1837, |
When we sow, (Lorenz Kellner, 1811 - 1892) |
In the love for the students (Viktorin von Feltre, 1378 - 1446) |
The most important realization of my life (Albert Einstin) |
8. At the end of a teacher's life |
A teacher works for eternity. (Henry Adams (1838-1918) |
To my teacher: Joachim Ringelnatz (1883 - 1934)> |
When you are about to leave this world, what can be more comforting than to see that you have not lived in vain, because you some, although only a few, (Immanuel Kant, 1724 - 1804) |