What is man?!

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1. School / Learning

WE can't LEARN FOR them:
You can only LEARN what you DO.

(Albert Schmidt)

If you KNOW a lot,
ask the right QUESTIONS.

(Bernhard Shaw)

A DISCOVERY consists in 
seeing something; what EVERYONE has seen -
and THINKING something
what NO ONE has thought before.

(Autor unbekannt)

People can show you the PATH;
but you have to GO IT YOURSELF.

(Bruce Lee)

Those who LEAD people should teach the RIGHT principles, but leave their APPLICATION to the individual.

(Autor unbekannt, Zusendung von Angelo Vincenti)

It is easier to SUPPRESS the first wish than to fulfill the following ones.

(Benjamin Franklin)

This Sven is a HAPPY person. 
He doesn't NOTICE when he's ANNOYING. 

(Lehrer über Schüler)

"Please stand at the back."
"That's not possible, there's already someone there."


GENIENT people
are rarely NEAT,
ordinary people are RARELY brilliant.

(Albert Einstein)

Our head is ROUND;

(Francis Picabai)

In YOU must; BURN, 
what you want to IGNITE in OTHERS 

(Aurelius Augustus


WHEN finally,
if not NOW? 

(Albert Einstein)

2. Fellow people

It is MORE DIFFICULT to shatter a PREJUDICE than an ATOM.

(Albert Einstein)

The TRUTH also only thrives in
a certain vegetation and temperature.
If you HEAT it, 
it becomes FANATIC, 
as soon as you COOL it down, CYNICAL. 

(Martin Kessel, deutscher Schriftsteller, 1901-1990)

Anyone who DOES NOT REMEMBER the past,
is condemned to 
experience it AGAIN. 

(Geroge Santayana, Philosoph)

ALREADY mathematics teaches us
that you should NOT overlook ZEROS.

(Gabriel Laub, polnisch-tschechischer Satiriker, geb. 1928)

Then as now:
Very many are UN-INFORMED -
due to this fact 
also quickly UNIFORMED.

(Kristiane Allert-Wybranietz)

The truly humiliating and unbearable 
can only be AVOIDED in this world,
by an AGREED measure. of coercion that everyone does to THEMSELVES.  


Start with YOURSELF, but NOT 
END with yourself, 
START with yourself, but
don't have YOURSELF as your GOAL.

(Martin Buber)

Every person is UNIQUE.
It's nice - when you have something in COMMON.


3. Being

We were born into these circumstances
only slowly RECOGNIZED it.

(Hendrik Verges-zu gesellschaftlichen Umstände)

The BEGINNING of the beginning is UN-understood.
It remains a MIRACLE: 
For the astrophysicist AS WELL as for the WALKER,
the AMAZING at the NIGHT sky.

(aus TV-Sendung ?Gottes Urknall?)

The act-thing (!?) of being there
is bigger than our understanding.


TIME - is nature's way of ensuring that EVERYTHING doesn't happen at once.

(Autor mir unbekannt, von Gerorg Schlechtriehm empfohlen)

The people SANG
because they felt the JOY OF EXISTENCE.

(Manuela Berlinger)

5. Religion

What is MAN; and
what RELATIONSHIP does he have with the ETERNAL ?  

(Björn Döhring)

4. Mind

Children are... 
Eyes that see, 
what we have long been blind to. 
Ears that hear,  ;
to which we have long been deaf. 

(Autor mir unbekannt)

3. Being

than NOT being there! 


4. Mind

I don't take MEDICATION.
If the body can't do it on its own, 
it doesn't DESERVE it either. 

(Ingolf Schul-Weihrauch)

If you pay attention to your BODY,
your HEAD will also feel better.

(Jil Sander)

3. Being

I never think about the FUTURE:
It comes soon enough. 

(Albert Einstein)

4. Mind

MATTER is the 
EGGShell of the MIND. 


Remember: SILENCE
is sometimes the best answer.

(aus nepalesischen Glücksmantra)

You should not see in your CHILD
but the miracle: CHILD.

(Autor mir unbekannt)

5. Religion

that LOVE supports.

(zitiert von A.Schmidt)

God called me by my name 
into the big WORLD:
And I know, I am SAFE, 
God's hand HOLDS me.

(Barbara Cratzius)

Live what you UNDERSTAND of the gospel
. And when it 

(Roger Schutz)

What's even MORE IMPORTANT... 
Jesus IS ALIVE! 


That which was well-formed becomes misshapen.
That which was beautiful, 
is now ugly desolation.
But I do not die completely ,
for what is in me
continues to be indestructible.

(Papst Johannes Paul II über das Ende seines Lebens)

Faith allows us to understand
that there is something incomprehensible.

(Anselm von Canterbury)

especially towards the END.

(Woddy Allen ?)

God - is not FAILED.
If you grasp it, 
then it is not GOD. 

(Robert Schumann)

Science WITHOUT religion 
is LAME, religion 
WITHOUT science is BLIND.

(Albert Einstein)
